Energy & Marine Transportation

Food & Nutrition

The Future of Food from the Sea2.73 MB

Update | August 2020

Expected impacts climate change on the ocean economy10.93 MB

Blue Papers from the High Level Panel

The Future of Food from the Sea808.41 KB

Blue Papers from the High Level Panel

Health & Well-being

Biodiversity & Ocean-based Solutions

Custodians of the globe's blue carbon assets1.25 MB

UNESCO Marine World Heritage

Financing the Earth's Assets - The Case for Mangroves as a Nature-based Climate Solution4.53 MB

Earth Security Group

M40 Cities -The Mangroves 40 Cities Network1.41 MB

Earth Security Group

Unlocking the Potential of Marine Biodiversity3.89 MB

Royal Society of Chemistry | Natural Product Report

Evolving the narrative for protecting a rapidly changing ocean, post COVID-191.79 MB
Global Fund for Coral Reefs4.38 MB

October 2019 | Leveraging new finance to protect and restore the world’s coral reefs

Rebuilding marine life2.96 MB

Duarte 2020 | Nature

Protecting 30% of the planet for nature: costs, benefits and economic implications655.19 KB

Mineral & Genetic Resources

side-event-speaker-intros-and-key-slides.pdf13.22 MB

March 25th 2024, Kingston, Jamaica

ISA-Event-Handout.pdf94.56 KB

March 25th 2024 | Kingston, Jamaica

Briefing-on-DSM-July2023.pdf6.31 MB
put-a-stop-to-deep-sea-mining.pdf670.94 KB
Unlocking the potential of Marine Discovery. Blasiak Jaspars Jouffray.pdf3.89 MB

Royal Society of Chemistry | Natural Product Report

Jouffray2020_Blue_Acceleration-sm.pdf4.69 MB

One Earth Perspective

Diva - Deep-Sea Misconceptions Cause Underestimation of Seabed-Mining Impacts-sm.pdf695.77 KB

CellPress Reviews | Trends in Ecology & Evolution

the-ocean-genome.pdf2.1 MB

Blue Papers from the High Level Panel

Sustainable Tourism


2023 Impact Report4.23 MB

An overview of BCI's impact in 2023 and priorities for 2024

BCI brochure October 2023281.18 KB

What have we accomplished?

Blue Climate Summit Outcomes4.77 MB

Results overview

Sommet : Rapport de Résultats5.21 MB

Aperçu des resultats

Critical habitats and biodiversity5.25 MB

Blue Papers from the High Level Panel

Towards ocean equity814.23 KB

Blue Papers from the High Level Panel

Technology, Data and New Models for Sustainably Managing Ocean Resources1.24 MB