sustainable tourism

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This Working Group focuses on the opportunity for responsible tourism to support local economies and cultures while also providing a positive environmental and social impact through sustainable business practices, education and inspiration.


More about

Costas Christ

Costas Christ

One of the world’s top sustainable tourism experts; served as National Geographic Senior Advisor for Sustainability, helped establish UN Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria, and author of “Tourism and Biodiversity: Mapping Tourism's Global Footprint.”

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Sandra Howard

Sandra Howard

Veteran sustainable tourism professional, Sandra is currently the CEO of Tourism for Medellin, Colombia, formally the Colombia Vice-minister of Tourism, Colombia State Secretary of Education and Culture, and Governor of the Colombia island archipelago.


Jalsa Urubshurow

(Mongolia/USA), Sustainable tourism business leader, Chairman of Nomadic Expeditions, Board Member of Captain Planet Foundation, philanthropist and supporter to conservation and cultural nonprofits.

Judy Kepher-Gona

(Kenya), Founding Director, Sustainable Travel & Tourism Agenda, Publisher East Africa Sustainable Tourism Report, Convenor Green Tourism Summit Africa.

Tony Charters

(Australia), Founder and President, Tony Charters and Associates. Former Director of Tourism Queensland; Co-Founder EcoAustralia; leader in establishing sustainable tourism policy for the Great Barrier Reef.

Masaru Takayama

(Japan), Founder and Chair of The Asia Ecotourism Network, Member of Sustainable Tourism Committee for Japan Tourism Agency and advisor to Green Destinations.